Thursday, May 8, 2014


I have been making the effort to call my Rep daily since the attack on Benghazi to demand the impeachment of Mr. Obama over it. Now, nearly two years from this attack and it's more heinous lack of response during and cover-up after, we are finally seeing some action by Congress. That action is a committee to investigate. Undoubtedly this committee was formed because of people like Breitbart, Special Ops, Judicial Watch and other appalled individuals like myself who have been so outraged over this that we have refused to let it rest.
I have been thinking about what needs to be written on this committee and their findings, but found the Pamela Geller has penned an article for Breitbart that sums it up nicely.

Among other bits are these:
"In reviewing the 41 new documents, one sees that huge sections of these unclassified documents are blacked out. If they are unclassified, why are all the Benghazi paragraphs redacted? Fox News is reporting there are discrepancies between the emails released to Congress and the same emails released to the watchdog group, Judicial Watch."

"The February 17 Revolution Brigade is a jihadist militia that is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood. It was repeatedly accused of engaging in atrocities during and after the Libyan Civil War. Yes, with the world’s largest, most technologically advanced, and best-armed military, the Obama administration and State Department outsourced their response to a jihadist group."

Read more here .... "Benghazi Cover-Up Blowing Up"
The February 17 Revolution Brigade is a jihadist militia that is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood. It was repeatedly accused of engaging in atrocities during and after the Libyan Civil War. Yes, with the world's largest, most technologically advanced, and best-armed military, the Obama administration and State Department outsourced their response to a jihadist group.
The February 17 Revolution Brigade is a jihadist militia that is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood. It was repeatedly accused of engaging in atrocities during and after the Libyan Civil War. Yes, with the world's largest, most technologically advanced, and best-armed military, the Obama administration and State Department outsourced their response to a jihadist group.
The February 17 Revolution Brigade is a jihadist militia that is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood. It was repeatedly accused of engaging in atrocities during and after the Libyan Civil War. Yes, with the world's largest, most technologically advanced, and best-armed military, the Obama administration and State Department outsourced their response to a jihadist group.

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