Monday, February 11, 2019

New York Abortion Law: Far Beyond the Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life Debate

Probability of a sperm inserted into a surrogate womb with no egg resulting in the birth of a baby = 0

Probability of an egg inserted into a surrogate womb with no sperm resulting in the birth of a baby  = 0

Probability of a cell or group of cells resulting from the combination in vitro of a sperm cell and an egg cell inserted into a surrogate womb with  resulting in the birth of a baby = >0

(For those who may be too far from a math class, the > symbol means "greater than") 
Life begins at conception. 

And there has already been a case in New York where a pregnant women was stabbed to death by her boyfriend and he was not charged with abortion(which is what the charge would have been previously in such a case) because of the change in that law. Appalling

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