Thursday, July 6, 2023

Evers' jiggery-pokery with the line item veto

 What the heck, Wisconsin legislature? This blogger thought you had fixed it so that the line item veto couldn't be used in this way back after Mr. doyle used it to change a bill from doing one thing to doing - and funding - something entirely unrelated. 

"Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers just secured 400 years of funding increases for Wisconsin public schools, reported the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel — by crossing out a tiny part of a line in a state budget sent to his desk.

Specifically, Evers took a section that authorized a funding increase for the "2024-25" school year, and vetoed the digits "20" and the hyphen, along with a few of the words before and after — changing the bill so that it now says the funding increases are authorized through the year "2425.""

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