Friday, February 1, 2019

Frank Stephens' POWERFUL Speech On Down Syndrome

Whenever I hear an abortion advocate say that a child is better off dead than facing the challenges of life - regardless of what those challenges are - I want to go and find someone who has faced that challenge and ask them if their life was worth living.  Life is a challenge. Denying life to those who may face genetic challenges is eugenics - a black mark on the history of the human race. Denying life to those who may face economic or other non-genetic challenges is cowardice.

Life begins at conception. When you choose to kill that child, you are not exercising a choice over your body, but over someone else's.
And, on a more personal note, this author has never met a person with Down's syndrome who was not a blessing. The world would be a sadder place for their lack.

"Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." ~ Luke 22:42

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