Sunday, September 15, 2024

Pastor Terrorized, Arrested For 'Reading the Bible Aloud' Scores 'Comple...

The Poor In Early America

We Put 7 Uber Drivers in One Room. What We Found Will Shock You.

"Opaque, algorithmic wage discrimination" 

September 15, 2024 Service ("What's Your Verdict?" - John 1:6-18)

WHAT IS HAPPENING in Springfield, Ohio??

Canada Geese and probably most ducks, are migratory birds and hunting them out of season and without a waterfowl stamp and whatever hunting license/permit is required in your state is illegal.
Taking people's pets is theft.

Where are the police? Why aren't they doing their job and arresting these people? 

Why aren't these people being instructed in acceptable behavior here before they are placed in this country? 

This is not Two-Tier Justice!

Usama Dakdok on Surahs 13 and 14

Friday, September 13, 2024

Thursday, September 12, 2024

China's Secret Servant Army is at Breaking Point

These UK Universities Are Out of Their Minds

Future Plans || Moving Forward - What to do?

Belated Sophomore Recital Part 1: Bach Prelude 20 from the first Bach book

Haitians allegedly capturing wild geese in Springfield, Ohio

Middendorf's 100 Year Watch on Tyrants & Patriots - Fmr. U.S. Amb Warns ...

The 2024 Election is Already Compromised!

September 10, 2024 | Committee on Natural Resources

Petty Officers

EXCLUSIVE: Springfield, Ohio Locals SPEAK OUT on Migrant Crisis

The first man was 100% correct. The job of controlling immigration belongs to the Congress and they have not been doing it for decades. 
Congress controls the purse strings so this blogger would STRONGLY recommend that a first step should be for Congress to stop letting any NGOs who have been facilitating this invasion have any government money. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Christians, This Should DISTURB You

This should disturb everyone.

Different Qur’an, Different Meaning?!? - Creating the Qur’an with Dr. Ja...

Michael Knowles DEBUNKS the Most EGREGIOUS Debate Lie

Public Health Agency of Canada orders all COVID vaccines destroyed

James O'Keefe Confronts Google Growth Strategist on "Coordinating" with ...

What The Hell Was That?

What Happened on 9/11 | 5 Minute Videos

And the Congress used it as an excuse to pass a lot of cowardly and tyrannical legislation which is still in effect. RealID and the so called patriot act come to mind.

Trump vs Kamala Debate Clownshow Goes Off the Rails - Three Against One!

The DEADLY self-cleaning litter boxes that have flooded the market

I was a Trump hater — until I learned the truth of the media’s ‘very fin...

Proverbs 23:23
Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

The Springfield, Ohio, Chaos Is Worse Than You Think

Ben Reacts: Trump vs Kamala Presidential Debate

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Corona cabin fever fighter 21: BLUES!!

Covid gave us the gift of seeing which of our elected officials were willing to impose lockdowns and other tyrannical measures while they ignored their own policies for fancy dinners and parties. 

Remember that when you vote and remove those people from offices of public trust.

Early on, President Trump refused to take the offer of such tyrannical powers when Congress tempted him with it and properly left the decision about whether or not to impose lockdowns to the state governments. He also did his best to encourage people to keep a positive outlook - even though he was castigated for doing so. 

What did your governors, mayors and etc. do? What did Mr. biden and his cabinet do? They increased the demonization of and pressure on those of us who refused the so-called "vaccinations". 

Social media censored views that the government didn't approve - as we are confirming, again, lately - at the government's behest. (This blogger is still unable to access her eX-Twitter account because of a humorous reference to the vaccine that shall not be named in a reply to someone else. A refusal to delete the offending tweet was due to the principle of the thing at that time. An appeal was submitted and denied. Twitter should have a sense of humor and healthy discussion and debate is good for the body politic. When Mr. Musk took over, another appeal was submitted. It was also denied. So, for a humorous reference to the vaccine over 2 years ago, this blogger is still unable to access the eX-Twitter account @Call_Me_Mom. The principle remains and that tweet will NOT be deleted.) 

Many people openly called for those who refused to take the so called vaccine to be rounded up and put into camps until the threat dissipated. Some called for the extermination of those who wouldn't submit. People were fired or forced to take the "vaccine" or quit their jobs. Businesses, mostly small, were destroyed. Many commented openly that those who refused masking/"the vaccine" shouldn't be allowed to access any kind of medical care. I know one man who was physically unable to wear a mask because, due to other health issues, it would make him pass out. He was physically assaulted for it, in public, twice, and no one did a thing to help him, nor were those who assaulted him arrested and prosecuted as the law requires.

Remember those things and vote accordingly. 

"43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?
47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God." ~ John 8:43-47

Why Designate the Cartels as Terrorists? | Real Talk

Because they are.

Muhammad Said WHAT about Sick Children?!?

CORRUPT Judge Merchan POSTPONES Trump Sentencing in CORRPT New York Hush...

The Dumbest Community Note of All Time...

PAINTER'S TRICK restores OLD, HARD, DRY paint brushes

The Mark Cuban MELTDOWN

LEAKED: U.S. Army Documents Reveal Expanding Threat of Venezuelan Crimin...

This is unacceptable.

Quranic Censorship Began in the 7th Century?! - Creating the Qur’an with...

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Amazon PANICS After Anti Trump Bias EXPOSED With Alexa Smart Speaker

The Difference Between a Democracy and a Republic | 5 Minute Video

Just a little reminder ..

Corona cabin fever fighter 19: Fascinating Rhythm

Remember when the government imposed lockdowns.

Trump's Best Town Hall Moments

I was put upon by a crazy ideology and asked to agree with it - Artist b...

Churchill: The Man Who Saved the Free World | 5 Minute Videos

IF they are presenting themselves as a publisher, then censor away. If they are presenting themselves as a platform, then free speech is the rule and if they censor -beyond speech that has been deemed illegal - i.e. terroristic threats and etc - they should have their platform status and protections revoked.

SONIC (boom)

Congress is AWOL!

DOJ Chief Admits Trump Indictments a Politically Motivated ‘Perversion o...

The Future of Atheism

Brave Muslims & Their Privileges- Do NOT Blink

The Current State of MAGA World | Sebastian Gorka

A Muslim-Israeli hostage was rescued by the IDF. But media reporting is ...

“Hundreds Of Doctors Are Resigning From The BMA Because Of This” | Alex ...

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Right has Failed...Here's How to Fix It

Can We Resolve The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? | Former Amb. David Fri...

Crowder Closes: Your Institutions Have Abandoned You

FITTON: Zuckerberg Censors Judicial Watch – And Me!

Can Islam survive the Digital Age?

First Known CCP Organ Harvesting Survivor Steps Forward

UNSUBSCRIBER SPECIAL! I'm pre-cancelled!

Support you local unicorns! AKA conservative musicians/entertainers.

Environmentalist Calls to Tear Down Dams Won’t Save Salmon But Will Wast...

Is the Shroud of Turin a Photograph of Jesus' Resurrection? Expert Answers

Uncovering the Tragic Hamas Attack on Hostages: 6 Hostages Killed

'Do you find it odd that body of Trump shooter…': Cory Mills raises ques...

Detrans: True Stories of ESCAPE | Mary Olohan

Work to Live or Live to Work? | 5 Minute Videos

What Does The Quran Say About The Bible?