Sunday, June 30, 2013
The Offering of Isaac - Chuck Missler
How many are aware that Isaac was not a young child, but rather a full grown man at the time when Abram was told to sacrifice him?
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
Political Pistachio: Federal Government Snooping: All Branches of the Government Approve
"The dangerous implications of today's federal snooping are no different, and whether the branches are all in agreement, or not, the concept of monitoring the actions of American Citizens under a general warrant remains to this day to be unconstitutional. The fact that all of the branches agree with the surveillance choices of the Obama administration makes it even more dangerous, because it also means that the ruling elite has found a way to spit on the concepts of the separation of powers, and checks and balances, and call collusion a constitutional action when in reality, collusion of the branches against the States, and the people, is a breach of the contract called the Constitution, and is a declaration of war against the citizenry of the United States of America."
Read more at:
Political Pistachio: Federal Government Snooping: All Branches of the Government Approve
Read more at:
Political Pistachio: Federal Government Snooping: All Branches of the Government Approve
Philip Zimbardo: The psychology of evil
I am posting this video as a follow up to R.I. P. Anschel Warschau.
Look at the solution this man has come up with. And what are we giving our children today? Where is today's Lone Ranger? Today's Rifleman? Marshall Dillon?
In my observation, today's television shows feed our children on the notion that they must be fighting supernatural evils or that the police can and should engage in the most appalling tactics to get confessions. That "suspects" who "lawyer up" are obstructionists or worse. Such attitudes encourage bad behavior from law enforcement. We can change this.
"Never Again" rests with us.
R.I.P. Anschel Warschau
Today I attended the funeral of one of the three remaining holocaust survivors in my area. It was a privilege to have known Anschel and, before her death, his wife, Fela.

Anschel was a quiet man where his wife was outspoken. He had a good sense of humor and a laugh that encouraged others to laugh with him, but my last memory of him was one of him weeping over the loss of his beloved wife. We had heard that he wasn't eating at the first lunch after Fela's funeral, so we ordered him a pizza-vegetarian - as Fela would have ordered it to be kosher and I took it to him after the rest of us finished our monthly lunch. Even that was a testimony to how strongly these two valued the gift of life.
He no longer joined us for lunch after Fela's death, although we would ask about him every month and heard about his daughter's care of him and his continued walking in the mall with his group when he could.
I said it was a privilege to know him and his wife and it was. It was the privilege of knowing people who honored the Lord's gift of life by continuing to live when dying would have been easier. People who fought to live when despair was their portion. People who lived when those around them were being killed for nothing, or as one of his daughters said at his funeral, shot for sport. It made me wonder, how many of us, were we in Nazi Germany today, would take in an escapee from the camps? Or throw a potato over the fence to those inside. It seems to me that as I look at the scandals in our government, happening on our watch, one after the other, with no consequences, that we may all too soon have the opportunity to find out. There is no "America" out there to come and save us from such evil this time.
The Jews say "Never Again". But I look at our current actions as a nation towards Israel and have trouble believing it. I look at Great Britain and Sweden and see the rise of a people whose doctrine is to drive the Jews into the sea while conquering the world for allah, taking over those nations by subverting their generosity. I read that the last Christians left Afghanistan and the Jews have been driven out of Norway and I can't help but think that "never again" seems very close indeed. I remember the accounts of Fela and others who went through the holocaust and I hear the warnings of those who came to America to escape communism warning us over and over that it is happening here, now, under our noses and on our watch and I pray for my nation and my people and I pray also for Israel and her people.
As a tribute to Anschel and the completion of his journey through this life, I share a small portion of my blog space. It was an honor to share the world with someone who knows the value of life.
We met them at the mall. My husband used to eat lunch there, and another gentleman was there at the same time as was Fela, while her husband walked the mall with a local group. Soon this other gentleman began to insist that, since they were there together so often, they should sit together and converse a bit. Before long, this older gentleman had invited me to join them. I was homeschooling at the time, so we eventually settled on the once a month lunch between us that we kept to for several years. Even after the mall's restaurant closed, we would take turns buying pizza and bringing it to the mall to sit in the small seating area and share lunch.Anschel was a quiet man where his wife was outspoken. He had a good sense of humor and a laugh that encouraged others to laugh with him, but my last memory of him was one of him weeping over the loss of his beloved wife. We had heard that he wasn't eating at the first lunch after Fela's funeral, so we ordered him a pizza-vegetarian - as Fela would have ordered it to be kosher and I took it to him after the rest of us finished our monthly lunch. Even that was a testimony to how strongly these two valued the gift of life.
He no longer joined us for lunch after Fela's death, although we would ask about him every month and heard about his daughter's care of him and his continued walking in the mall with his group when he could.
I said it was a privilege to know him and his wife and it was. It was the privilege of knowing people who honored the Lord's gift of life by continuing to live when dying would have been easier. People who fought to live when despair was their portion. People who lived when those around them were being killed for nothing, or as one of his daughters said at his funeral, shot for sport. It made me wonder, how many of us, were we in Nazi Germany today, would take in an escapee from the camps? Or throw a potato over the fence to those inside. It seems to me that as I look at the scandals in our government, happening on our watch, one after the other, with no consequences, that we may all too soon have the opportunity to find out. There is no "America" out there to come and save us from such evil this time.
The Jews say "Never Again". But I look at our current actions as a nation towards Israel and have trouble believing it. I look at Great Britain and Sweden and see the rise of a people whose doctrine is to drive the Jews into the sea while conquering the world for allah, taking over those nations by subverting their generosity. I read that the last Christians left Afghanistan and the Jews have been driven out of Norway and I can't help but think that "never again" seems very close indeed. I remember the accounts of Fela and others who went through the holocaust and I hear the warnings of those who came to America to escape communism warning us over and over that it is happening here, now, under our noses and on our watch and I pray for my nation and my people and I pray also for Israel and her people.
As a tribute to Anschel and the completion of his journey through this life, I share a small portion of my blog space. It was an honor to share the world with someone who knows the value of life.
Anschel's Obituary
"Anschel Warschau, age 93, of Sheboygan, died peacefully Thursday morning, June 13, 2013.He was born March 3, 1920, in Lodz, Poland to Pincus and Blima Warschau. He attended schools in his hometown, where his father was a baker and he was a baker's helper. After the Nazis invaded Poland in 1939, they created a Ghetto in Lodz under their control. Being 19, street-smart and resourceful, Anschel sought any work he could to feed himself and his family. When he was sent to Strogen, a labor camp near Danzig, in May 1942, his family had been disbursed, one not knowing where the other had been sent. From July 1942 to October 1944, he was in the Kowno Labor Camp, Roja Labor Camp, Gavesen Labor Camp, Metenes Concentration Camp in Riga, Latvia, Kaiserwald Concentration Camp, Latvia, Stutthof Concentration Camp in Stutthof, and Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Germany. In October 1944, he was in Troeglitz Concentration Camp in Germany, until he was sent to Theresienstadt Concentration Camp in Czechoslovakia in April of 1945, from which he was liberated in May 1945. Anschel traveled a bit throughout Europe. Eventually he made his way home to Lodz looking and hoping for any family or friends. He had lost his parents, two brothers and two sisters. Ultimately he found himself in a displaced persons camp in Feldafing, Germany where he worked as a policeman. It was there that he met Fela Jakubowicz and they were married on May 10, 1946. The couple, along with their daughter, Martha, immigrated to the United States and settled in Sheboygan in 1951.
Anschel was employed at Hayssen Mfg Co., until his retirement in 1985. Anschel wholeheartedly supported his wife, Fela's mission to educate others about their story of the Holocaust. He, too, felt passionately that his life's experiences should hold a place in history, and that people should know the truth of what happened. If asked, he would provide stories and details of the horrors he felt no one could ever believe. He was interviewed in the late 1970's for oral history documentation, and years later for Steven Spielberg's Shoah Foundation. On October 2, 2011, the Mead Public Library celebrated the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Fela and Anschel Warschau Room created as the home of Sheboygan's Jewish Holocaust Collection. The Room opening celebration was held on September 16, 2001.
Starting in 1972, the year after their daughter, Martha moved to New York City, both he and Fela made yearly trips there, where they shared their love of theatre, activities and friends. Their reason to continue these yearly trips doubled when their younger daughter, Sally, also moved to New York.
Fela preceded Anschel in death on September 20, 2006.
Anschel was a faithful member of Congregation Beth El. Following Fela's death it was important for him to maintain his relationship with the Synagogue to continue the traditions that connected them to their faith and community.
He was a regular mall walker, where he met and made many friends over the years.
Anschel was employed at Hayssen Mfg Co., until his retirement in 1985. Anschel wholeheartedly supported his wife, Fela's mission to educate others about their story of the Holocaust. He, too, felt passionately that his life's experiences should hold a place in history, and that people should know the truth of what happened. If asked, he would provide stories and details of the horrors he felt no one could ever believe. He was interviewed in the late 1970's for oral history documentation, and years later for Steven Spielberg's Shoah Foundation. On October 2, 2011, the Mead Public Library celebrated the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Fela and Anschel Warschau Room created as the home of Sheboygan's Jewish Holocaust Collection. The Room opening celebration was held on September 16, 2001.
Starting in 1972, the year after their daughter, Martha moved to New York City, both he and Fela made yearly trips there, where they shared their love of theatre, activities and friends. Their reason to continue these yearly trips doubled when their younger daughter, Sally, also moved to New York.
Fela preceded Anschel in death on September 20, 2006.
Anschel was a faithful member of Congregation Beth El. Following Fela's death it was important for him to maintain his relationship with the Synagogue to continue the traditions that connected them to their faith and community.
He was a regular mall walker, where he met and made many friends over the years.
Anschel will be greatly missed and remembered particularly for his radiant and ready smile, jovial manner, positive attitude, his perseverance and resilience."
R.I.P. Anschel and Fela. May Never Again BE Never Again
"Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions." ~ Psalms 51:1
Friday, June 7, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Speaking My Mind About Islam
Today is speak your Mind about islam day, so here goes. First off, for those of you on Twitter, here's a hashtag for you: #SpeakYourMindAboutIslamDay . The DOJ has indicated that sharing unflattering opinions about islam on social media, regardless of the truth of those opinions, will be prosecuted. In AMERICA! Our rights require exercise if they are not to be lost. This nation depends on an informed citizenry that is willing to stand for the Constitution and the rule of law.
“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse. A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”
― John Stuart Mill
Next up are my own thoughts and opinions. Islam is to the world what an abusive father is to a family. It encourages abuse and abusive behavior. It insists upon being the only authority with the power to speak or act. It punishes those who are bound by their cultures and upbringing, those who have never known anything else, when they deviate by so much as a glance or raised eyebrow from its approved positions.
There are many verses in the quran that require and approve of the killing and/or enslavement of those who do not follow islam. Those deceived souls who follow and approve of islam insist that these verses only apply in war without noting that, until the world has been conquered for allah, islam IS at war with all who do not submit to it. Within islam there are only dar al harb and dar al islam, the house of war and the house of islam. The goal of islam is to eliminate by any and all means the house of war.
"Terror is necessary in the winning of wars" "Terror will not work if the heart is filled with faith" ~ From The Quranic Concept of War by Brig. General S. K. Malik
That sounds "nice"- to eliminate war - doesn't it? Unfortunately, according to islam the only way to do that is to convert or kill all those who currently occupy the house of war and that is everyone in the world with the exception of those who currently follow islam. It's rather like the old warnings about trying to get a genie(or as they are known in islam a djin) to grant you a wish. Wish to be the oldest child in your family? Easy, the genie kills all your older siblings. Wish to have all the gold in the world - poof! It's yours, but, because no one else has any, it is now worthless.
As Bill Warner noted in his videos, islam is at war with us regardless of our opinions or actions regarding islam. Today is to be a reminder to the DOJ that this is America and we HAVE freedom of speech. Any law that has been made that contravenes the US Constitution is no law at all and every citizen has a duty to refuse to comply with such a law. We cannot yell "fire" in a crowded theatre because that could create an immediate, physical threat to the people in the theatre. Speaking ill of another does not rise to that same level of threat. Unless it is the opinion of this administration and the DOJ that the followers of islam are so mentally unstable that they ought to be in a mental institution because they are incapable of controlling themselves when they feel their religion has been insulted, then this is absolutely illegal. (And were that the case, I contend that it would be the duty of the DOJ to round up the followers of islam and incarcerate them in mental institutions rather than taking action against American citizens exercising their God given and Constitutionally affirmed rights to freedom of speech.)
So, it is now the time when: "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."~Thomas Paine Speak your mind about islam today and every day...while we still may.
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. " ~ 1 John 4:18
“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse. A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”
― John Stuart Mill
Next up are my own thoughts and opinions. Islam is to the world what an abusive father is to a family. It encourages abuse and abusive behavior. It insists upon being the only authority with the power to speak or act. It punishes those who are bound by their cultures and upbringing, those who have never known anything else, when they deviate by so much as a glance or raised eyebrow from its approved positions.
There are many verses in the quran that require and approve of the killing and/or enslavement of those who do not follow islam. Those deceived souls who follow and approve of islam insist that these verses only apply in war without noting that, until the world has been conquered for allah, islam IS at war with all who do not submit to it. Within islam there are only dar al harb and dar al islam, the house of war and the house of islam. The goal of islam is to eliminate by any and all means the house of war.
"Terror is necessary in the winning of wars" "Terror will not work if the heart is filled with faith" ~ From The Quranic Concept of War by Brig. General S. K. Malik
That sounds "nice"- to eliminate war - doesn't it? Unfortunately, according to islam the only way to do that is to convert or kill all those who currently occupy the house of war and that is everyone in the world with the exception of those who currently follow islam. It's rather like the old warnings about trying to get a genie(or as they are known in islam a djin) to grant you a wish. Wish to be the oldest child in your family? Easy, the genie kills all your older siblings. Wish to have all the gold in the world - poof! It's yours, but, because no one else has any, it is now worthless.
As Bill Warner noted in his videos, islam is at war with us regardless of our opinions or actions regarding islam. Today is to be a reminder to the DOJ that this is America and we HAVE freedom of speech. Any law that has been made that contravenes the US Constitution is no law at all and every citizen has a duty to refuse to comply with such a law. We cannot yell "fire" in a crowded theatre because that could create an immediate, physical threat to the people in the theatre. Speaking ill of another does not rise to that same level of threat. Unless it is the opinion of this administration and the DOJ that the followers of islam are so mentally unstable that they ought to be in a mental institution because they are incapable of controlling themselves when they feel their religion has been insulted, then this is absolutely illegal. (And were that the case, I contend that it would be the duty of the DOJ to round up the followers of islam and incarcerate them in mental institutions rather than taking action against American citizens exercising their God given and Constitutionally affirmed rights to freedom of speech.)
So, it is now the time when: "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."~Thomas Paine Speak your mind about islam today and every day...while we still may.
"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. " ~ 1 John 4:18
Sunday, June 2, 2013
25 Signs That Military Veterans Are Being Treated Like Absolute Trash Under The Obama Administration
We should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing this to happen
"...9. Large numbers of military veterans that legitimately should be getting benefits are having their claims denied by the federal government. Just check out the following example from a Veterans Today article…
11. According to a recent Defense Department survey, approximately 14,000 men in the U.S. military were sexually assaulted by other men during 2012.
12. According to the Washington Post, there is an epidemic of sexual assaults being committed by military recruiters. The Pentagon is pledging to do something about the problem…"
Read the rest of the article here.
"...9. Large numbers of military veterans that legitimately should be getting benefits are having their claims denied by the federal government. Just check out the following example from a Veterans Today article…
In one case, we found a veteran with 40 percent of his brain removed found to be healthy and employable. He was also missing his right arm. The physician who examined him over looked the arm and failed to note the cognitive degeneration the traumatic brain injury had caused.10. Last year, more than 85,000 military veterans were treated for sexual abuse that they suffered while serving in the military. 40 percent of them were men.
11. According to a recent Defense Department survey, approximately 14,000 men in the U.S. military were sexually assaulted by other men during 2012.
12. According to the Washington Post, there is an epidemic of sexual assaults being committed by military recruiters. The Pentagon is pledging to do something about the problem…"
Read the rest of the article here.
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