Monday, June 17, 2013

Political Pistachio: Federal Government Snooping: All Branches of the Government Approve

"The dangerous implications of today's federal snooping are no different, and whether the branches are all in agreement, or not, the concept of monitoring the actions of American Citizens under a general warrant remains to this day to be unconstitutional.  The fact that all of the branches agree with the surveillance choices of the Obama administration makes it even more dangerous, because it also means that the ruling elite has found a way to spit on the concepts of the separation of powers, and checks and balances, and call collusion a constitutional action when in reality, collusion of the branches against the States, and the people, is a breach of the contract called the Constitution, and is a declaration of war against the citizenry of the United States of America."
Read more at:
Political Pistachio: Federal Government Snooping: All Branches of the Government Approve

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