Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Political Pistachio: Khizr Muazzam Khan Misquotes U.S. Constitution about Immigration

"During the Iran Hostage Crisis in 1979, Congress banned Iranians from immigrating into the United States, and the law was signed by Democrat President Jimmy Carter.  The ban was not put into place because the U.S. Government was trying to be insensitive, nor was it about being racist.  We simply could not separate the good Iranian immigrants from the bad ones.

Islam, regardless of whether or not there are peaceful Muslims who stand against the jihad, has declared war on the United States.  Terrorism is a problem that has been accompanying Muslim refugees in Europe, and is beginning to rear its ugly head here, as well.  Jihadists poison the refugee population, therefore, until we can figure out a way to absolutely determine who is good, and who is bad, a ban on all Muslims may be necessary." 
Read the rest here: Political Pistachio: Khizr Muazzam Khan Misquotes U.S. Constitution about Immigration

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