Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just a Note

I, upon reading of New Hampshire's Resolution 6, immediately wrote to my own state legislators requesting a similar measure. As I will be out of town for a few days, I thought I would post his response here to encourage those who may not have felt it worthwhile
to contact their own legislators.

"Thank you for forwarding a link to the resolution introduced in the New Hampshire legislature. This document has gotten considerable attention, and I have been sent copies from several sources in recent days. Although the current majorities in the Wisconsin legislature are not likely to embrace such a resolution, I am discussing with colleagues the possibility of introducing a Wisconsin version regardless of majority support.

The federal government has repeatedly usurped the constitutional authority of individual states, and grown government control far beyond the framers intent. I will watch with interest the progress of this initiative in the New Hampshire legislature."

"Then three thousand men of Judah went to the top of the rock Etam, and said to Samson, Knowest thou not that the Philistines are rulers over us? what is this that thou hast done unto us? And he said unto them, As they did unto me, so have I done unto them." ~Judges 15:11


Dr.D said...

Dear Mom,

Your quote from Judges is very appropriate to this situation.

You got a lot more response from your state representatives than I did. I have heard nothing from mine despite having sent the information to them. That really does not surprise me too much. They are both Dems, and the Dems are showing across the board that they intend to ignore the will of the people.

I think we have to continue to push, push, push, and unseat those that ignore us.

Terry Morris said...

Dr. D., may I make a suggestion?...

Contact other representatives in your state government. Though they do not represent you or your district directly, they're still your representatives indirectly, and on questions of statewide concern, questions which affect your whole state, they're generally, by my experience, receptive to contact from citizens outside their own districts.

That's what I do. And I'm sometimes more likely to get a response (not necessarily favorable, but nonetheless) from them than I am from legislators representing my own district, depending on the issue and who occupies the seat.

Dr.D said...

Oklahoma passed their resolution today, Friday, 13 Feb!

I know that a resolution is in process for Iowa also.

The Ron Paul/Campaign For Liberty folks have been instrumental in both of these.

DR said...

I did the same thing, but haven't received a response yet. Hopefully a lot of people through out our state are doing it.

Call Me Mom said...

Go Oklahoma!
Mr. Morris is correct, Dr. D., sometimes a little correspondence with a rep. other than your own is a good thing. Gives them something to talk about between votes and may make your own more responsive.

You're farther north than I am aren't you DR? I'm in the Sheboygan area.

DR said...

Yes, we are North of you. You know we almost moved to Sheboygan when we first moved to Wisconsin. It is a beautiful city. Though, I understand that your local government likes to persecute bloggers.

Don't forget to vote tomorrow, I am sure you already know, but I wanted to remind you. We actually have some conservatives running; that is awesome.

Call Me Mom said...

So far, I haven't suffered any persecution from local government. While I hope that continues, I would rather speak my piece while I can and be persecuted for it than look back at my life and say what was I doing while THAT happened?